Input Catalog

BlendingToolKit (btk) requires an input catalog that contains information required to simulate galaxies and blends. Each galaxy is parameterized as a bulge + disk + agn with parameters following the LSST DM catalog schema


The catalog simulation framework (CatSim) is a database of astrophysical sources with properties that are representative of what the LSST will observe at its ten-year coadded depth. Refer to the official CatSim page for more details. The btk package includes a sample input catalog that contains parameters of 100 galaxies. A more extensive catalog can be downloaded from here.

Cosmo DC2

CosmoDC2 is a large synthetic galaxy catalog designed to support precision dark energy science with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). Refer to this notebook on how to inject the DC2 catalog into a CatSim-like catalog that can be analyzed with btk. The btk package includes a sample input catalog that contains parameters of 15 blend scenes with 61 galaxies.