
BlendingToolKit (btk) is essentially a wrapper around the WeakLensingDeblending package, which uses GalSim to simulate galaxy images. These packages along with their dependencies need to be installed first.

The following dependencies are pip installable:

  • numpy
  • astropy
  • fitsio
  • scipy
  • lmfit

Install fitsio and lmfit

These two uncommon packages can be installed via:

# in conda.
conda install -c conda-forge fitsio
conda install -c conda-forge lmfit

# in pip.
pip install fitsio
pip install lmfit

Install GalSim

GalSim is a python module that has much of its implementation in C++ for improved computational efficiency. It can be installed with

pip install galsim

However you may have to install FFTW and Eigen manually. Refer to this for more details.

Install WeakLensingDeblending package

WeakLensingDeblending package must first be cloned:

git clone

Then run the following inside the WeakLensingDeblending folder:

cd WeakLensingDeblending
python install

Install BlendingToolKit with GIT

The code is hosted on github. First download the repo:

git clone

Then install using

cd BlendingToolKit
python install

Optional Packages

BlendingToolKit is meant to perform detection/deblending/measurement with any user input algorithm; therefore, no detection/deblending/measurement algorithm is hard-coded into the basic framework. However, the tutorial notebooks include several examples of detection/deblending/measurement algorithms that can be performed with btk. These tutorial notebooks require:

  1. scarlet (multi-band deblender)
  2. sep (Python library for Source Extraction and Photometry)
  3. lsst (LSST science pipeline)